Life: The Science of Biology 11th Edition

Published by W. H. Freeman
ISBN 10: 1-31901-016-4
ISBN 13: 978-1-31901-016-4

Chapter 10 - Photosynthesis: Energy from Sunlight - 10.1 - Photoshynthesis Uses Light to Make Carbohydrates - 10.1 Recap - Learning Outcomes - Page 196: 1


It was hypothesized that hydrogen from water was reallocated to glucose during aerobic photosynthesis, leaving the oxygen to be released as a byproduct. This hypothesis was later confirmed by using an isotopic oxygen to track the flow of oxygen in plants. The results confirmed that water is the source of the oxygen released by photosynthesis.

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It was hypothesized that hydrogen from water was reallocated to glucose during aerobic photosynthesis, leaving the oxygen to be released as a byproduct. This hypothesis was later confirmed by using an isotopic oxygen to track the flow of oxygen in plants. The results confirmed that water is the source of the oxygen released by photosynthesis.
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