Campbell Biology (11th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0-13409-341-0
ISBN 13: 978-0-13409-341-3

Chapter 15 - Test Your Understanding - Level 2 - Application/Analysis - Page 313: 6


6%. Further crosses are needed involving: 1) red eye-gray body (heterozygous for both) x white eye black body (homozygous for both); 2) red eye normal wing (heterozygous for both) x white eye vestigial wing (homozygous for both).

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To get the recombination frequency, find the percentage represented by the recombinants (49, 45) of the whole (add up all flies scored). The other needed crosses simply involve all other combinations among the three genes being mapped between a heterozygous individual and a homozygous recessive individual.
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