- The other strand, the "complementary" strand would have the sequence: 3' - GGAACTGCTAGCAATGGC - '5
- This strand of DNA contains the restriciton enzyme site where PvuI can reate a double stranded break. The site is between the T and C nucleotides (designated by "^") in the sequence [1]:
5' - CGAT^CG - '3
3' - GC^TAGC- '5

Work Step by Step
- In DNA sequences, all nucleotides are matched to their complement on the opposite strand. To find the "complementary" strand match every nucleotide on the original strand with its complement, T to A and vice versa, and C to G and vice versa.
- Ensure both strands are labeled the 5' and 3' end as to have both strands running anti-parallel to each other
- Find the restriction site on both strands that matches the PvuI restriction enzyme site and insert a break. If no match is found, Pvul cant cut the DNA strand