Stats: Data and Models (3rd Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321692551
ISBN 13: 978-0-32169-255-9

Chapter 4 - Displaying and Summarizing Quantitative Data - Exercises - Page 73: 16


a. Mean = (35,38,40,40,54,67,81,94,125,130,555) / 11 = 114.45 b. Median = middle value = 67 $Q_{1}$ = 25% of the data which is 3rd value = 40, $Q_{3}$ = 75% of the data which is 9th value = 125 c. Range = largest value – smallest value = 555 – 35 = 520 IQR = $Q_{3} - Q_{1}$ = 125 – 40 = 85

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a. Mean = (35,38,40,40,54,67,81,94,125,130,555) / 11 = 114.45 b. Median = middle value = 67 $Q_{1}$ = 25% of the data which is 3rd value = 40, $Q_{3}$ = 75% of the data which is 9th value = 125 c. Range = largest value – smallest value = 555 – 35 = 520 IQR = $Q_{3} - Q_{1}$ = 125 – 40 = 85
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