Statistics (12th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321755936
ISBN 13: 978-0-32175-593-3

Chapter 2 - Methods for Describing Sets of Data - Exercises 2.71 - 2.89 - Applying the Concepts - Intermediate - Page 66: 2.89c


Range = $8.$ Variance = $5.05$ St. deviation $= 2.25$. All three measures of variation have decreased. The data set is less variable.

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The data has been imported into our our spreadsheet calculator in part (a). Copy the column "Plants" into a new column, and erase the entry $11$ there, as it is the largest value. Also, erase one of the smallest entries, $1$. Invoke the "Descriptive Statistics" option from the add-on Data Analysis feature once more and find: Range = $8.$ Variance = $5.06$ St. deviation $= 2.25$. (see image below) Observe that all three measures of variation have decreased. This is to be expected, because values that are farthest from the mean (the maximum and minimum of the dataset, for instance) have the greatest contribution to the variability of the data set.
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