Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus, 7th Edition

Published by Brooks Cole
ISBN 10: 1305071751
ISBN 13: 978-1-30507-175-9

Chapter 6 - Section 6.2 - Trigonometry of Right Triangles - 6.2 Exercises - Page 490: 67



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Step 1. Use the figure given in the problem to assign quantities: use $S$ for the Sun, $E$ for the Earth, and $M$ for the moon, we have $\angle SEM=89.85^\circ$ and $EM=240,000 mi$ Step 2. In the right triangle $\Delta SME$, we have $cos89.85^\circ=\frac{EM}{ES}$, thus the distance between the Earth and the Sun is $ES=\frac{240000}{cos89.85^\circ}\approx91,673,352mi$
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