Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus, 7th Edition

Published by Brooks Cole
ISBN 10: 1305071751
ISBN 13: 978-1-30507-175-9

Chapter 4 - Review - Concept Check - Page 388: 12


a. $\quad n(t)=n_{0}e^{\frac{t\cdot\ln 2}{a}}$ b. $\quad n(t)=n_{0}e^{rt}$

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Exponential Growth Model (p. 373): A population experiences exponential growth if it can be modeled by the exponential function $n(t)=n_{0}e^{rt}$ where $n(t)$ is the population at time $t,$ $n_{0}$ is the initial population (at time $t=0$), and $r$ is the relative growth rate (expressed as a proportion of the population). ----------- a. If we know that the initial population doubles for time a, $n(a)=2n_{0}=n_{0}e^{ra},$ we find the growth rate (solve for r): $2n_{0}=n_{0}e^{ra}\quad/\div n_{0}$ $2=e^{ra}\qquad/$ ... apply ln( ) to both sides $\ln 2=ra\quad/\div a$ $r=\displaystyle \frac{\ln 2}{a}$ so, the model is $n(t)=n_{0}e^{\frac{t\cdot\ln 2}{a}}$ b. In terms of r, $n(t)=n_{0}e^{rt}$
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