Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus, 7th Edition

Published by Brooks Cole
ISBN 10: 1305071751
ISBN 13: 978-1-30507-175-9

Chapter 11 - Section 11.1 - Parabolas - 11.1 Exercises - Page 790: 66


Yes, see explanations.

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Yes, it is possible. 1. We can simulate the shape of the light emitted from the flashlight as a cone. 2. When the flashlight shines the light vertically to the ground below, the lighted spot will be a circle. 3. If we angle the flashlight slightly, the lighted spot will become an ellipse. 4. The far end of the ellipse will be defined by the light emitted from the top edge of the cone, 5. With the increasing angle the ellipse will become larger and larger, until at a point when the top edge of the cone is parallel to the ground, and at this point, the lighted spot becomes a parabola.
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