Calculus (3rd Edition)

Published by W. H. Freeman
ISBN 10: 1464125260
ISBN 13: 978-1-46412-526-3

Chapter 15 - Differentiation in Several Variables - 15.8 Lagrange Multipliers: Optimizing with a Constraint - Preliminary Questions - Page 830: 2


Figure 11 (a): $f$ has a local maximum at $A$ subject to the constraint. Figure 11 (b): $f$ has neither a local minimum nor a local maximum at $B$.

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Consider Figure 11 (a): Suppose that we move in the direction of northeast, $f$ is increasing (either we approach $A$ from the left or from the right) until we arrive at the point $A$, where $\nabla {f_A}$ is orthogonal to the constraint curve $g\left( {x,y} \right) = 0$. Once at $A$, we cannot increase $f$ further without leaving the constraint curve. Thus, $f$ has a local maximum at $A$ subject to the constraint. Consider Figure 11 (b): In this case, if we approach $B$ from the left, $f$ is increasing until we arrive at the point B. However, if we approach $B$ from the right, $f$ is decreasing until we arrive $B$. Therefore, we conclude that $f$ has neither a local minimum nor a local maximum at $B$.
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