Calculus: Early Transcendentals 9th Edition

Published by Cengage Learning
ISBN 10: 1337613924
ISBN 13: 978-1-33761-392-7

Chapter 12 - Section 12.4 - The Cross Product - 12.4 Exercises - Page 862: 36



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$P(3,0,1),Q(-1,2,5), R(5,1,-1)$ and $S(0,4,2)$ $a=PQ ^\to=\lt -1-3,2-0,5-1\gt=\lt -4,2,4 \gt$ $b=PR ^\to=\lt 5-3, 1-0, -1-1\gt=\lt 2,1,-2 \gt$ $c=PS ^\to=\lt 0-3, 4-0, 2-1\gt=\lt -3,4,1 \gt$ Volume of a parallelepiped is defined as: $V=|a \cdot (b \times c)|$ $b \times c=\lt 2,1,-2 \gt \times \lt -3,4,1 \gt=\lt 9,4,11 \gt$ $|a \cdot (b \times c)|= |\lt -4,2,4 \gt \cdot \lt 9,4,11 \gt|$ $=|-4 \cdot 9+2 \cdot 4+ 4 \cdot 11|$ $=16$
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