Elementary Technical Mathematics

Published by Brooks Cole
ISBN 10: 1285199197
ISBN 13: 978-1-28519-919-1

Chapter 13 - Section 13.4 - Solving Right Triangles - Exercise - Page 460: 21


$A=44.90^{\circ}$. $B=45.10^{\circ}$. $a=268.6\;m$.

Work Step by Step

The given values are $b=269.5\;m$ $c=380.5\;m$. By using trigonometric ratios. $\frac{b}{c}=\cos{A}$ Isolate $A$. $A=\cos^{-1}\left(\frac{b}{c} \right )$ Plug all values. $A=\cos^{-1}\left(\frac{269.5\;m}{380.5\;m} \right )$ By using degree calculator simplify. $A=44.90^{\circ}$ (rounded value). In a right angle triangle sum of other two angles is $90^{\circ}$. $A+B=90^{\circ}$ Isolate $B$. $B=90^{\circ}-A$ Plug value of $A$. $B=90^{\circ}-44.90^{\circ}$ Simplify. $B=45.10^{\circ}$. By using Pythagorean theorem. $a=\sqrt{c^2-b^2}$ Plug all values. $a=\sqrt{(380.5\;m)^2-(269.5\;m)^2}$ Simplify. $a=\sqrt{144780.5\;m^2-72630.25\;m^2}$ $a=\sqrt{(72150.25\;m^2)}$ $a=268.6\;m$.
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