See graph

Work Step by Step
Find the intercepts (set x=0, set y=0)
and a check point (set a value for x or y, find the other variable value)
If we find the y-intercept to be the origin, we find two checkpoints (to have three points to draw the line)
\text {y-intercept } & \text {x-intercept} & \text {checkpoint} & \text {checkpoint}\\
& & & \\
x=0 & & x=-2 & x=2\\
0+y=0 & & 2(-2)+y=0 & 2(2)+y=0\\
y=0 & & y=4 & y=-4\\
& & & \\
(0,0) & (0,0) & (-2,4) & (2,-4)
Plot the points and a line through them.