Intermediate Algebra for College Students (7th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0-13417-894-7
ISBN 13: 978-0-13417-894-3

Chapter 7 - Section 7.6 - Radical Equations - Exercise Set - Page 562: 81


$\sqrt{x-7}=3$, $\sqrt {x}=4$, and $1+\sqrt {16}=5$.

Work Step by Step

$a=\sqrt{x-7}$ and $b=\sqrt x$. The hypotenuse is $h=1+\sqrt x$ Use the Pythagorean theorem. $\Rightarrow h^2=a^2+b^2$. Substitute all values. $\Rightarrow (1+\sqrt x)^2=(\sqrt{x-7})^2+(\sqrt x)^2$. Use the special formula $(A+B)^2=A^2+2AB+B^2$ We have $A=1$ and $B=\sqrt x$ $\Rightarrow (1)^2+2(1)(\sqrt x)+(\sqrt x)^2=x-7+x$ Simplify. $\Rightarrow 1+2\sqrt x+x=2x-7$ Add $-1-x$ on both sides. $\Rightarrow 1+2\sqrt x+x-1-x=2x-7-1-x$ Simplify. $\Rightarrow 2\sqrt x=x-8$ Square both sides. $\Rightarrow (2\sqrt x)^2=(x-8)^2$ Use the special formula $(A+B)^2=A^2+2AB+B^2$ We have $A=x$ and $B=8$ $\Rightarrow 4x=(x)^2-2(x)(8)+(8)^2$ Simplify. $\Rightarrow 4x=x^2-16x+64$ Subtract $4x$ from both sides. $\Rightarrow 4x-4x=x^2-16x+64-4x$ Simplify. $\Rightarrow 0=x^2-20x+64$ Rewrite the middle term $-20x$ as $-16x-4x$. $\Rightarrow 0=x^2-16x-4x+64$ Group the terms. $\Rightarrow 0=(x^2-16x)+(-4x+64)$ Factor each group. $\Rightarrow 0=x(x-16)-4(x-16)$ Factor out $(x-16)$. $\Rightarrow 0=(x-16)(x-4)$ Set each factor equal to zero. $\Rightarrow x-16=0$ or $x-4=0$ Simplify. $\Rightarrow x=16$ or $x=4$ $x=4$ does not satisfy $a=\sqrt{x-7}$. The sides of the triangle are: $a=\sqrt{x-7}=\sqrt{16-7}=\sqrt{9}=3$, $b=\sqrt {x}=\sqrt {16}=4$. $h=1+\sqrt {16}=1+4=5$.
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