Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: Concepts & Applications (6th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0-32184-874-8
ISBN 13: 978-0-32184-874-1

Chapter 1-14 - Cumulative Review - Final Exam - Page 931: 51



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In order to solve the equation $I=\frac{R}{R+r}$ for $R$, we must isolate $R$ on one side. Multiply both sides by $R+r$ to clear denominators: $I\cdot(R+r)=R$ $I\cdot R+I\cdot r=R$ Subtract $I\cdot R$ from each side and factor out $R$: $I\cdot r=R-I\cdot R=R(1-I)$ Divide both sides by $1-I$: $R=\frac{Ir}{1-I}$
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