Big Ideas Math - Algebra 1, A Common Core Curriculum

Published by Big Ideas Learning LLC
ISBN 10: 978-1-60840-838-2
ISBN 13: 978-1-60840-838-2

Chapter 11 - Data Analysis and Displays - Chapter Test - Page 627: 4


a. Always true b. Sometimes true c. Sometimes true

Work Step by Step

Step 1: a. Always true. The marginal relative frequency is the sum of the joint relative frequencies. Each joint relative frequency is the ratio a frequency that is not in the total observations. Because, the ''total" row corresponds to the total observations or the 100% of the number of observation, and the ''total" row and column are equal. It is always true that the "total" row and column are equal 1. [1 cm] Step 2: b. Sometimes true The length of each side varies depending to the shape of the distribution of the data represented by the box-and-whisker plot. Only when the distribution is symmetric that the length of each side is equal. Otherwise, the distribution is skewed. Step 3: c. Sometimes true There are qualitative data that appears to be numerical. An example is grade levels. Grade levels appear to be numerical but applying mathematical operations with it do not make sense.
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