Algebra: A Combined Approach (4th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321726391
ISBN 13: 978-0-32172-639-1

Chapter 11 - Section 11.6 - Further Graphing of Quadratic Functions - Practice - Page 818: 5


5/16 seconds, 101.56 feet

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$f(t)=-16t^2+10t+100$ $x=-b/2a$ $x=-(10)/2*(-16)$ $x=-10/-32$ $x=5/16$ $f(t)=-16t^2+10t+100$ $f(5/16)=-16(5/16)^2+10*(5/16)+100$ $f(5/16)=-16*25/256 +50/16 +100$ $f(5/16)=-400/256 + 50/16+100$ $f(5/16)=-100/64 + 25/8 + 800/8$ $f(5/16) = -25/16 + 825/8$ $f(5/16) = -25/16 + 1650/16$ $f(5/16) = 1625/16$ $f(5/16) = 101.5625$
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