Algebra 2 Common Core

Published by Prentice Hall
ISBN 10: 0133186024
ISBN 13: 978-0-13318-602-4

End-of-Course Assessment - Page 971: 73


(D), the correlation coefficient.

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Going through each choice: (A): The y-intercept gives an idea of the value of the best-fit line at x = 0, with no indication of fit strength (B): number of points below the line of best fit tells us which points are overestimated, but not how strong the fit is (C): Slope represents the relation between y and x, but not the fit strength. (D): A high absolute value of correlation coefficient means a strong model, r is the square root of $r^2$, which is the coefficient of determination, the percentage of points successfully predicted by the model. So this is a great measure of fit strength.
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