Algebra 2 Common Core

Published by Prentice Hall
ISBN 10: 0133186024
ISBN 13: 978-0-13318-602-4

Chapter 6 - Radical Functions and Rational Exponents - Cumulative Standards Review - Multiple Choice - Page 430: 16


$x = 12$

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In this problem, we are asked to solve for $x$. First, we want to factor this quadratic equation, if possible: $x^2 - 24x + 144 = 0$ To factor a quadratic polynomial in the form $ax^2 + bx + c$, we look for factors of $c$ that when added together equals $b$. For the trinomial $x^2 - 24x + 144$, $c=144$ so look for factors of $144$ whose sum is $-24$. We need both factors to be negative because two negative numbers yield a positive number, but will yield a negative number when added together. We have the following possibilities: $144=(-144)(-1)$ $-144+(-1) = -145$ $144= (-72)(-2)$ $-72+(-2) = -74$ $144= (-12)(-12)$ $-12+(-12) = -24$ The third pair, $-12$ and $-12$, is the one we are looking for. Thus, the factored form of the trinomial is $(x - 12)(x - 12)$ so the equation above is equivalent to: $$(x-12)(x-12)=0$$ According to the Zero-Product Property, if the product of two factors $a$ and $b$ equals zero, then either $a$ is zero, $b$ is zero, or both equal zero. Since the two factors are the same, we just set the factor equal to $0$: $x - 12 = 0$ Add $12$ to each side to solve for $x$: $x = 12$
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