Algebra 2 (1st Edition)

Published by McDougal Littell
ISBN 10: 0618595414
ISBN 13: 978-0-61859-541-9

Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Statistics - 11.2 Apply Transformations to Data - 11.2 Exercises - Problem Solving - Page 754: 19b


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If we add a constant to every value in a data set then the mean, median, and mode of the new data set can be obtained by adding the constant to the mean, median, and mode of the original data set and the range and standard deviation remain unchanged. Here the constant is $28$. Thus the mean: $70.778+28=98.778$, the median: $72+28=100$, the mode:$72+28=100$, the range:$8$, and the standard deviation: $\approx2.4394$.
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