Introduction to Programming using Python 1st Edition

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0132747189
ISBN 13: 978-0-13274-718-9

Chapter 6 - Functions - Programming Exercises - Page 204: 6.8



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# 6.8 (Conversions between Celsius and Fahrenheit) Write a module that contains the # following two functions: # # Converts from Celsius to Fahrenheit # def celsiusToFahrenheit(celsius): # # Converts from Fahrenheit to Celsius # def fahrenheitToCelsius(fahrenheit): # The formulas for the conversion are: # celsius = (5 / 9) * (fahrenheit – 32) # fahrenheit = (9 / 5) * celsius + 32 # Write a test program that invokes these functions to display the following tables: # Celsius Fahrenheit | Fahrenheit Celsius # 40.0 104.0 | 120.0 48.89 # 39.0 102.2 | 110.0 43.33 # ... # 32.0 89.6 | 40.0 4.44 # 31.0 87.8 | 30.0 -1.11 from CH6Module import MyFunctions print("Celsius\t\tFahrenheit | Fahrenheit\t\tCelsius") celsuis = 40 fahr = 120 for i in range(1, 11): print(format(celsuis, ".2f"), format(" ", "8s"), format(MyFunctions.celsiusToFahrenheit(celsuis), ".2f"), end="\t|") print(format(" ", "3s"), format(fahr, ".2f"), format(" ", "8s"), format(MyFunctions.fahrenheitToCelsius(fahr), "-.2f")) celsuis -= 1 fahr -= 10
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