Work Step by Step
# 15.18 (Towers of Hanoi) Modify Listing 15.8,, so that the program
# finds the number of moves needed to move n disks from tower A to tower B.
# (Hint: Use a global variable and increment it for every move.)
steps = 0
def main():
n = eval(input("Enter number of disks: "))
# Find the solution recursively
print("The moves are:")
moveDisks(n, 'A', 'B', 'C')
print("The number of steps is: ", steps)
# The function for finding the solution to move n disks
# from fromTower to toTower with auxTower
def moveDisks(n, fromTower, toTower, auxTower):
global steps
if n == 1: # Stopping condition
print("Move disk", n, "from", fromTower, "to", toTower)
steps += 1
moveDisks(n - 1, fromTower, auxTower, toTower)
print("Move disk", n, "from", fromTower, "to", toTower)
steps += 1
moveDisks(n - 1, auxTower, toTower, fromTower)
main() # Call the main function