The question has Three Parts the answers are as following.
1.G.Jerry Smith
2.Chery H.Clark
3.Secretary in Accounts Department.
Work Step by Step
1 Part
G.Jerry Smith is the secretary in accounting department with experience in Personal Department because his employee id 23Y34 has two instances in Assignment Relation one with the job id S25X and job id S26Z these Job ids having departments of Personnel and Accounting respectively in Job Relation.
2 Part
Cherry H.Clark is floor manager in the Sales department because his employee id 34Y70 in Assignment Relation has instance with Job Id F5.And Job Id F5 has Job Title of Floor Manager and Department of Sales.
3 Part
G.Jerry Smith currently holds the job of Secretary in Accounts Department because his job as Secretary in Personnel Department expired on 4-30-2010 as we can see in fig 9.5 Assignment relation page 423