Computer Science: An Overview: Global Edition (12th Edition)

Published by Pearson Higher Education
ISBN 10: 1292061162
ISBN 13: 978-1-29206-116-0

Chapter 10 - Computer Graphics - Section 10.4 - Rendering - Questions & Exercises - Page 480: 5


The purpose of this question is to get you to think about the distinctions between local and global lighting models rather than to produce a specific predetermined answer. Potential solutions that you might propose include placing appropriately modified copies of the objects to be reflected behind the mirror while considering the mirror transparent or trying to handle images in the mirror as a form of drop shadows.

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The purpose of this question is to get you to think about the distinctions between local and global lighting models rather than to produce a specific predetermined answer. Potential solutions that you might propose include placing appropriately modified copies of the objects to be reflected behind the mirror while considering the mirror transparent or trying to handle images in the mirror as a form of drop shadows.
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