Intermediate Accounting (16th Edition)

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1118743202
ISBN 13: 978-1-11874-320-1

Chapter 14 - Long-Term Liabilities - Review and Practice - Brief Exercises - Page 753: BE14-1


Issue price: $468,845$

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Present value of principal: $500,000 \times0.37689 = 188,445$ (0.3769 from present value of 1 table) Interest payment, semiannual: $500,000\times \frac{6}{12} \times 0.09 = 22,500$ Present value of interest payments $22,500\times 12.4622 = 280,400$ (12.4622 from present value of an ordinary annuity table) Issue price: $188,445 + 280,400 = 468,845$
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