Terrible Things: An Allegory of the Holocaust Summary

Terrible Things: An Allegory of the Holocaust Summary

The story begins with an unnamed narrator describes a beautiful clearing, shared by various animals. The animals lived in peace for a long time until one day, when the Terrible Things came. The Terrible Things claimed they came after the creatures with feathers on their back and one by one, every animal that did not had feathers excused themselves. The Terrible Things saw the birds on top of the tree branches and caught them with the nets they brought with them and took the birds away.

Out of fear, some animals tried to see the positive side and claimed that they never really liked the birds. Only the bunny had the courage the ask what was wrong with having feathers but it was urged by the Big Rabbit to remain quiet and be grateful that the Terrible Things did not come for them.

Life continued just as before without the birds until one day the Terrible Things came back, looking for the creatures with bushy tails. Just like before, every creature tried to excuse themselves. The squirrels tried to hide from the Terrible Things but they were seen and then caught with the same nets the birds were caught. Then, the squirrels were taken away by the Terrible Things. Just like before, the reaming animals tried to fool themselves by claiming that the clearing is better off without the squirrels and their noise and the Big Rabbit urged the little one to remain quiet and be grateful the Terrible Things left them alone.

Then, the Terrible Things came from the creatures that could swim and they took away the frogs and the fish that lived in the little stream in the clearing. Then, the Terrible Things came for the porcupines and the only creatures remaining were the white rabbits. The Little Rabbit tried to convince the Big Rabbit to leave the clearing, fearing that they would be next. The Big Rabbit insisted however on staying, claiming that no harm could come to them.

However, one day, the Terrible Things came back for every creature who was white. Only the Little Rabbit managed to escape, hiding behind a rock. After he realized he was alone, the Little Rabbit decided to leave the clearing and go warn the other animals about the Terrible Things and the animals they took.

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