Tattoos on the Heart Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Tattoos on the Heart Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The symbolism of collaboration

This minister clearly views partnership with others as an essential part of serving God. With his own perspective alone, he cannot make a sufficient answer, but by learning from others who share his goal, he can make his ministry exit the church and enter the community, which is exactly what the Bible teaches about ministry, most famously in the gospel of John. If Jesus was perfect, why would he collaborate with his disciples? The answer is that Jesus does not believe religion should become a cult of personality.

The symbolism of the heart

A well-educated Catholic minister such as this would well know the symbolism implied by his title. The symbolism of the heart in Christianity is primarily established in the prophets, especially in Ezekiel, Jeremiah and the Psalms, which obviously are pillars of any Western canon of art. In those beautiful works of art, the heart is a sign for the human free will and desire, because "God examines the heart," etc.

In this book, the minister embodies this symbolism by literally using his freedom to help others in a sustainable way, partnering with others to gain their feedback and expertise, without becoming authoritative or judgmental, and without criticizing those he intends to help. He has "Put them on his heart."

The church as a force

The Bible is perfectly clear on what the effect of the Christian church should be, especially in Acts, in the epistles, and in the Revelation of John. It seems Father Boyle has studied up on "ecclesiology," or the Catholic academic tradition associated with the church's role in a community, because he embodies an ecclesiology that makes church into a force for good. By working with others in the context of ministry, they can actually improve their communities, and not in the lame superficial ways that church's are sometimes known for doing.

Poverty as a divine issue

How many times does a sacred scripture have to mention the same thing before the officers of that religion pay heed to it? Boyle knows the scriptures from school, because he has been through Catholic seminary. He knows that poverty is directly addressed in Jesus's ministry umpteen times. Therefore, in his memoir, he categorizes poverty as an issue of divine importance, because according to Christian philosophy, all humans are made in the image of God, and therefore have divine worth. To take money from a poor person in the name of religion is what Jesus himself categorizes as the truest form of evil, so that's what Boyle avoids.

Religion outside of dogmatic belief

Father Boyle believes one of the most dogmatic approaches to religion, not just in Christianity, but in the world, because not only does Catholic tradition put one under the authority of the Bible, which is a beautiful book but not without its complications, but also under the tradition of the church. In this memoir, we see that Father Boyle considers that all "academic," and he makes his ministry about other things than what people profess about their dogmatic beliefs. He makes ministry about people, about their needs, about their struggles, and about their need for healing in a communal way. Other things are private academic issues for him.

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