Swordspoint Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the main occupation of Richard St Vier?

    Richard is a famous figure in town, and his main job is to kill for pay. Anyone who wants a swordsman for hire can be directed to Richard St Vier. One of Richard's main clients is Lord Horn. One day, Horn hires Richard to kill two specific people, but during the assignment, he accidentally kills a man who he did not plan to. Despite being unethical, Richard takes his job seriously and does it professionally, except when he aims at the wrong target. Due to his proficiency in his assignments, Richard is famous in town, and anyone can approach him for training to become a professional killer.

  2. 2

    How does covetousness emerge as one of the main themes?

    Covetousness emerges as one of the main themes in the entire novel. For instance, people are willing to kill others for personal gain. Ferris hires Richard to kill Basil Halliday, a Crescent Chancellor. Ferris wants Basil dead so he can rise to the position of Chancellor. Ferris knows that as long as Basil is alive, he has no chance of becoming Chancellor. To achieve his selfish gains, he hires a swordsman to finish his rival.

  3. 3

    What is the main paradox in the novel Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner?

    Richard is a well-known swordsman in town hired by prominent people to kill their rivals. Lord Horn approaches Richard and asks him to kill Michael. Richard refuses, and Horn kidnaps Richard's girlfriend to compel him to finish the assignment. Richard has no option but to obey. However, Richard does not face Michael; instead, he faces Michael's teacher, Applethorpe, who volunteers to take his place. Richard kills him. Richard turns to Lord Horn and kills him too. Paradoxically, when Richard is arrested for killing Horn, he is not found guilty and is set free with anything he wants. Therefore, the justice system in place is a hoax because it does not serve the purpose it is intended to accomplish.

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