Swords in the Mist Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the mystery of the Temple of Hate in the story “The Cloud of Hate?”

    The Temple of Hate is a massive subversive worshiping structure where veiled priests gather to preach to thousands of believers. The believers worship a rat god, and during the sermon, strange things happen. For instance, while the sermon is on, a huge fog rises from the underground temple into the streets to join the city's smog. The serpent-like fog rising from the underground temple kills an innocent girl and carries away the minds of violent criminals. Consequently, the mystery of the Temple of Hate is that it produces a serpent-like fog that haunts human souls across the city during the sermon.

  2. 2

    Why are Fafhrd and Mouser shelving their cherished corporation and treacherous escapades to settle down in the story “Learn Times in Lankhmar?”

    Fafhrd and Mouser are suspending their partnerships and dangerous adventures in Lankhmar due to the economic slowdown. Business is slow, and most business ventures are making losses. Therefore, these two friends decide to focus on something else as they wait for the economy to revamp again before they restart their ventures. Meanwhile, Fafhrd becomes a religious devotee of Issek of Jug (the god of peace). On the other hand, Mouser becomes the racketeer's lieutenant forcing all the successful cults on God's Streets to pay protection fees.

  3. 3

    What is the symbolic connotation of the magic tent in the story “When the Sea-Kings Away?”

    The author figuratively uses the magic tent of air to symbolize the power of the Sea King's palace. Before getting into the king's palace in the sea, one must pass through an elongated passageway of air and walk over dead fish and dead bodies of sailors. After arriving at the Sea Kings Palace, visitors are welcomed by scaled beautiful women who offer free sex to cleanse them before meeting the king. Offering free sex helps to cast away spells that cause bubbles of air underwater, which symbolizes the king's power.

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