Sweetness in the Belly Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Which Islamic traditions have been depicted in the novel?

    Camila Bib has demonstrated the culture of kindness towards orphans, the attitude of empathy, brotherhood, generosity and assistance in Islam through her novel. Muhammad Bruce takes great care of Lilly after the death of her parents. He provides all the necessities of life and the means of existence. The Sufis teach her without taking anything from her and demonstrate their acts of generosity towards Lilly. The sight of Islamic unity and the teachings of fraternity and brotherhood assist Lilly in moving forward in her life.

  2. 2

    What was important about the appearance of Lilly?

    Lilly was a white woman who used to wear the traditional garb of Muslim women. She used to cover her head along with her body and she followed the Islamic ideals of chastity. She helped her neighbors and the people who surrounded him in all matters. She was a strong woman with a smile on her face in all the tests of her life. The mystics imparted the knowledge of the Holy Quran in her and she followed the teachings and codes of Islam.

  3. 3

    How does the Ethiopian revolution affect Lilly?

    The Ethiopian revolts snatched the identity and the home of Lilly. She had to leave Ethiopia owing to her white identity. She also lost the love of her life i.e. Aziz whom she considered an important part of her life. Lilly suffered the death of her parents and led the life of an orphan. She succeeded in passing through the ordeals in her life and after Ethiopian revolution she was once again left without anybody on her side. Despite of the sufferings in her life, she didn’t give up and kept her faith affirm and her values intact.

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