Swallow the Air Characters

Swallow the Air Character List

May Gibson

Young aboriginal girl growing up in Australia on the poor side of the tracks. She is the novel’s protagonist and narrator. Her story, told through a series of connected short stories, become an odyssey to connect to the roots of her indigenous tribal heritage. She comes to discover the full impact of a concerted colonialist effort to wipe away all memory that they an invading occupational regime.

Billy Gibson

Billy is May’s older brother of a different father who grow up very close despite the step-sibling circumstances. Later, however, Billy becomes involved in heavy drug use. The age difference is enough that when their mother dies, Billy steps in take on a more parental role.


Mum is the mother of both May and Billy, of course, but also the mother of Mary’s increasingly intense interest in discovering more about her cultural background. Mum is the source of stories stimulating May’s imagination, but is also suffering from mental illness which eventually leads to her suicide.


Following the suicide of her sister, Aunty becomes the caretaker of the family. She provides affection and love but May finds herself more dependent upon Billy for some of the active agenda of being taken care since Aunty proves far less dependable thanks to the addictive siren songs of drinking and gambling.


The violent, pot-smoking domestic abuser of Mum is the symbolic figure of white colonialism who abandons the family he has charged himself with taking care of. It is a postcard from her dad after years of estrangement which stimulates May’s decision to leave the instability of life with Aunty. This decision is strongly informed by rose-colored memories of the past which quickly clear away when reminded of his brutal nature.

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