Stride Toward Freedom Characters

Stride Toward Freedom Character List

Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks is a principal persona who inaugurated the momentous Montgomery bus boycott with the intent of promoting the rights of African Americans.

Martin Luther King, Jr

He was a mythical activist who clamored for nationwide civil rights for all the black people. He co-operated with frontrunner civil rights entities such as “NACCP the Alabama Council on Human Relations.”

‘Montgomery’s Black Residents’

They were principal sponsors in the bus boycott that was initiated by Rosa Parks. They commanded deference notwithstanding their skin colors.

Jeremiah Reeves

King writes, “Reeves, a drummer in a Negro band, had been arrested at the age of sixteen, accused of raping a white woman. One of the authorities had led him to the death chamber, threatening that if he did not confess at once he would burn there later. His confession, extracted under this duress, was later retracted, and for the remaining seven years that his case, and his life, dragged on.” Jeremiah’s case is representative of the outright subjugation of blacks, for he is dishonorably persecuted due to his race which resulted in his undeserved electrocution.

Vernon Johns

King observes, “Vernon Johns, now the director of Maryland State Baptist Center, was a brilliant preacher with a creative mind and an incredibly retentive memory. It was not unusual for him to quote from the classics of literature and philosophy for hours without ever referring to a manuscript. A fearless man.” Vernon Johns was among the persuasive preachers who denounced the prevalent prejudice against the black people.

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