Stardust Literary Elements

Stardust Literary Elements


Fantasy Novel

Setting and Context

The novel is set in the 19th century in Meadows of England.

Narrator and Point of View

The novel is written in the third-person narrative from the point of view of the protagonist, Tristan.

Tone and Mood

Buoyant and victorious

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist of the novel is Tristan, a young man who lives in Wall village.

Major Conflict

The major conflict comes when Tristan encounters a lion in his journey. Similarly, Tristan is haunted by the witch queen after the same star that Tristan is trying to protect.


Tristan discovers that he is truly in love with Yvaine, but not Victoria, who is already engaged to another man.


The search for a fallen star foreshadows Tristan success in searching for his true love.


There is no specific example of understatement.


The story alludes to that the search for true love requires endurance, determination and perseverance.


The central images, such as the gap in the wall, are examples of imagery depicting readers' sense of sight.


The book commences in a paradoxical way in which the author assumes that every young man does not trust himself.



Metonymy and Synecdoche



The kingdom of Starmhold is personified as having the ability to select the next ruler.

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