Spaceman of Bohemia Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Spaceman of Bohemia Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Hanuš (Symbol)

Hanuš, the large space creature that Jakub encounters and later befriends, is a symbol of Jakub's loneliness. In fact, a major question in the novel revolves around whether or not Hanuš is real, or if Jakub made him up to cope with his loneliness.

Rocket (Symbol)

The rocket which Jakub uses to leave the Czech Republic (and his life and wife) to investigate the cloud around Venus is a symbol of Jakub's fervent desire to escape his demons. Instead of healing and facing his issues head-on, Jakub uses the rocket to run from his problems.

Food (Symbol)

Food is another powerful symbol of Jakub's loneliness. Before Hanuš appears, Jakub begins to personify food in a way that suggests he thinks the food is his companion. People who personify food and think of them as a companion are invariably exceptionally lonely.

Earth (Symbol)

The Earth is a symbol of Jakub's problems and issues that he decided to leave behind when he went into space. By going into space, Jakub thought, he could escape his problems and demons and avoid having to deal with either.

Escapism (Allegory)

Jakub's story is an allegory for, and warning against, the way that humans cope with their past traumas and events. In the novel, Jakub leaves a place and people that seemingly accepted and loved him because of his past. Many humans do something similar, but less drastic to deal with their trauma: they escape through things like drugs, video games, and other forms of electronic media.

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