Sizwe Banzi is Dead

Sizwe Banzi is Dead Imagery

New Brighton Smile (Visual Imagery)

Styles describes a family photo he took: "and there it was—New Brighton's smile, twenty-seven variations." This visual imagery highlights the meaningful and happy quality of the photograph, showcasing the family's beautiful, shared smile. It also underscores the joy Styles takes in his work.

Oil and Dirt (Olfactory Imagery)

Styles says that "The oil and dirt under the machines was thick, man." This unappealing olfactory imagery gives a strong impression of the lack of clean conditions at the factory.

Walking Back Heavy (Haptic Imagery)

Styles says that after receiving new work boots at the car factory he "walked back heavily to [his] spot." This haptic imagery shows how unfamiliar the boots feel on his feet, as he has not been given the proper work equipment in the past.

Door Knock (Auditory Imagery)

Styles describes the kind of knocking on the door he gets excited about: "when I hear [energetic rap on the table...] That's my sound... and I shout 'Come in!'" This auditory imagery gives the reader a distinct impression of the sort of customer Styles is looking for.