Sing, Unburied, Sing

Sing, Unburied, Sing Irony

Seeing Ghosts (Dramatic Irony)

Leonie and Jojo are estranged. Jojo resents his mother for her drug addiction and "self-absorption," while Leonie is frustrated at Jojo's lack of respect towards her. It is an example of dramatic irony that both of these characters are able to communicate with ghosts, yet they are unaware that they share this mutual gift. Ultimately, Jojo and Leonie fail to understand one another, and they are unable to provide each other with the support that they both need.

Leonie's Herbal Remedy (Situational Irony)

When Kayla becomes sick in the car on the way to Parchman, Leonie and Jojo are overwhelmed by the sense that Kayla is "helpless." As she cries and vomits incessantly, both characters search for an antidote. Leonie forages for milkweed, which she believes will cure Kayla's nausea. However, she is unable to find the herb and instead thinks that blackberry leaves are a viable substitute. Jojo is convinced that Leonie's remedy could actually be poisonous. It is ironic that something that was intended to heal could actually kill—as a result, Jojo forces Kayla to vomit after she drinks the tea in order to "save her" from an unfortunate fate.

Kayla's Visions (Situational Irony)

While at Parchman, Kayla asks Jojo if he is also able to "see the birds." Although Kayla is young, she also possesses the gift of being able to see spirits and ghosts. Throughout the story, we learn that these ghosts emerge because of the violent and tragic fates that they have met during their lives. Their spirits continue to exist in order for them to have a sense of "closure." Given this painful genesis story, it is ironic that Kayla's connection to the ghosts signifies hope and the continuity of ancestral tradition.

Leonie's Parenting Style (Situational Irony)

Jojo sees Mam as the archetypal mother. She is warm, loving, and supportive. Jojo wishes that Leonie could provide him with the same sense of stability that Mam can. However, the parent/child roles are ironically reversed: Jojo is more of a parent than Leonie is.