Silver Sparrow Characters

Silver Sparrow Character List


Dana who is also the narrator of the story is Gwendolyn and James' daughter. She realizes at an early age that her father is not hers alone but also has another family. In the other family, her father also has a daughter, Dana's step-sister. In the earlier chapters of the novel, Dana is afraid of speaking her sisters name as she thinks it would bring misfortune.


Gwendolyn, also known as Gwen in the novel is Dana's mom and the second wife to James. She is depicted as a good mother to Dana as she is always afraid that her husband James is not spending enough time with her and that he might tell Dana something that might break her, perhaps something about his other family.

James Witherspoon

James Witherspoon is Gwendolyn's husband and Dana's father. Despite having been married for almost ten years, he marries Gwendolyn as a second wife after setting his eyes on her. At the beginning of the novel, the narrator refers to him as a bigamist, perhaps due to the fact that she has more than one wife.

Ms Rusell

Ms Rusell is Dana's teacher who is presented in the novel when she praises Dana's painting of her family. Dana remembers her specifically with regard to the word that she uses to describe her painting-- beautiful. She says how the word makes her feel loved whenever she hears it.


Chaurisse is James Witherspoon's daughter from his first marriage and as such Dana's half-sister. She is introduced when the narrator has difficulty saying her name fearing it might bring misfortune.

Willie Mae

Willie Mae is the neighbor who moves next door in the house in which Gwendolyn lives. She is also presented as a friend of Gwendolyn's.

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