She Said

Circle of influence

The book chronicles the intersection of executives, companies, lawyers, gossip columnists, tabloid publishers, talent agents, entertainment companies, and Public Relations (PR) companies that became enmeshed in Weinstein's circle of influence which served to hide and bury information about his behaviors, but was an open secret. Quid pro quo took the form of agreeing to buy film rights to books and stories for "high-grossing films", and promising on-screen roles.[8][9]

The focus is on the systemic "structures of power" that enabled Weinstein for decades. The reporting, which followed "whispers and rumors" occurring over 30 years, was supported by large numbers of interviews with actresses, past and present employees, filings in court, corporate records, and "internal company communications that documented a thick web of cover-ups, bullying tactics and confidential settlements."[5][8]

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