Shakespeare Behind Bars Characters

Shakespeare Behind Bars Character List


Hal plays Prospero in the play. He was sentenced to prison for killing his wife, and he deals with deep pain at having taken her life as well as being hurt by his lack of communication with his parents throughout his life, a break that he hopes one day will be healed. He also runs the news program for the prisoners.


Sammie is a veteran of the Shakespeare behind bar program. He helps to teach others, and plays Trinculo in the play--this being his smallest role of any Shakespeare play he's performed.

Big G

Big G plays Caliban in the play and is a man who seeks to mentor others on the inside. He was brought into hustling in the prison and wants to be sure no one else goes through what he did, so he sets his sights on encouraging other inmates to join the Shakespeare Behind Bars program.

Larry Chandler

Chandler is the Warden of Luther Luckett Correctional Complex, which holds 1,100 inmates (as of 2005). He believes in the education of the inmates in order to prepare them for release. In fact, he is quoted as being a Warden who hates prisons.


Red plays Miranda in the play. He is a veteran of the Shakespeare Behind Bars program and works very hard on his role, and is open to trying new things in order to find his character. He does his best to keep the peace with the group and to be a leader.

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