Shadowshaper Literary Elements

Shadowshaper Literary Elements


Urban Fantasy

Setting and Context

Set in modern-day Brooklyn, New York

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narration from the perspective of an omniscient narrator

Tone and Mood

Anxious, Ominous, Eerie

Protagonist and Antagonist

Protagonist: Sierra; Antagonist: Dr. Jonathan Wick

Major Conflict

Sierra is a normal teenager in Brooklyn dealing with regular problems until she learns of a family secret that changes everything. Her ancestral line belongs to a community of Shadowshapers with the ability to infuse magic in art, music, and literature. As she uncovers her talents, bizarre occurrences begin to take place opening her world to new adversaries and challenges.


The climax occurs when Sierra—accompanied by her friends—heads to the tower where Wick resides and they fight with his forces.


The tension regarding particular topics during conversations which raises Sierra’s suspicions foreshadows the discovery of the family's secret and heritage.




The narrative alludes to the gentrification in the Brooklyn neighborhoods that affect the social welfare of minority groups in the communities.


“Sierra dabbed dark green paint along the neck of the dragon she was working on. It reared all the way up to the fifth floor of the Tower, and even though most of its body was just an outline, Sierra could tell it was gonna be fierce. She shaded rows of scales and spines, and smiled at how the creature seemed to come to life a fraction more with each new detail.”


Wick yearns to possess all the power of the Shadowshapers by killing off the others even though power comes from numbers and community.



Metonymy and Synecdoche

“…button-down maroon top that matched her tortoiseshell glasses”


“Each tree and stone brought with it a story”

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