
Self-Pity Analysis

Self-Pity by D.H Lawrence is a short poem about self-pity and the fear of death in humans. Lawrence begins by giving an example of a wild "thing" or wild animal. Just the way an animal does not lament on the misfortunes or the bad luck it has face in the past and moves on, humans should do the same. Humans often have a tendency to be melancholic and broken-hearted due to events that do not go as they wished or instances that cause a misfortune. Humans must take inspiration from these animals and learn to live life as it comes, instead of grieving on the misfortunes of the past.

Lawrence then gives an example of a bird and says that a small bird which drops dead from a bough never feels sorry for itself. He compares an animal as small as a bird to a human, a much larger mammal. He conveys to the readers of the poem that just the way a small bird, which may drop dead at any time, does not live in fear of death and rather moves on living life, humans should do the same. Humans must not live in fear of the inevitable death, but rather move on in life, live life to the fullest and accept death as it comes, for death cannot be avoided.

Self Pity is a short, inspirational poem written by D.H Lawrence which inspires the readers to move on in life, not to grieve over their past misfortunes and not to fear the unavoidable death.

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