See: Under Love Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does Momik learn the connotation of the phrase ‘Over There’?

    Monik’s parents are survivors of the holocaust, and they do not want their son to know about the Nazi beast who executed the tragic events that left many people dead. Monik is curious to learn about the commonly used phrase in Israel 'Over there' by people, including his parents. When Monik tries to ask his parents the phrase's meaning, they are not ready to share its meaning. Consequently, Monik wonders because the level of confusion about his identity increases. Fortunately, when Monik talks to his grandfather about the phrase, he tells him many stories about the Nazis and the holocaust, revealing the true meaning of the phrase.

  2. 2

    What is the role and significance of the character Bruno Schulz?

    Bruno is a Polish writer whose writings focus on a violence-free world. When Monik becomes a writer at his adult age, he gets into a friendship with Bruno. Bruno knows that Monik was born during the Holocaust era, characterized by violence and hatred against the Jews. Bruno's significance and role in this book are guiding Monik to the literary work of peace. Monik becomes an excellent leader, and in his writings, he focuses on initiating peace and love. Therefore, Bruno helps Monik develop a literary voice that he uses to handle violence and hatred against the Jews.

  3. 3

    What is the main theme in the book ‘See Under Love’ by David Grossman?

    The book is divided into different phases, and the occurrences are all connected to the holocaust, which is the main theme in the entire book. For instance, the book introduces Monik’s parents as the main survivors of the holocaust. The other sections of the book talk about World War II and the concentration camps set up by the Nazis to imprison the Jews and subject them to suffering. When Monik becomes an adult, he starts writing, advocating for a violence-free world. Therefore, all events taking place are connected to the holocaust because it is the central theme.

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