Scratch Beginnings Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How does the narrator illustrate that one should use what is available to achieve his goals?

    As the title Scratch Beginnings suggests, humble beginnings can result in great achievements. The narrator is astonished that most of his friends are lamenting that they are not able to achieve their goals because they do not have opportunities. On the other hand, the narrator is achieving great things using the available resources within his reach. For instance, he is converting his dissertation into a publication that can earn him a living. Similarly, he is looking forward to being a motivational speaker on a positive attitude and this is an opportunity to generate wealth for him. Additionally, he anticipates starting a business that can sustain him in the future. Therefore, starting from scratch is one of the best ways to exploit one's potential.

  2. 2

    Why is the narrator determined to achieve his goals despite the many challenges and obstacles on his way?

    Adam Shepard was brought up in a poor family and the primary motivation for his determination is to get out of poverty. He is among the few individuals who believe in the power of talent and humble beginnings. Adam does not believe that one has to have access to big opportunities to succeed in life. The problem people make that the narrator is avoiding is living big with little earnings. The narrator is strategic and he knows that the secret to getting rich is saving and investing in business but not living lavish lifestyles. His persistence and determination play a major role in his climbing of the social class because at last, he emerges as one of the elite rich people in his society.

  3. 3

    Explain how Adam Shepard positions himself as the emblem of hope in the book Scratch Beginnings.

    Adam is the author of this book and at the same time, he is the main narrator of the story. The story is all about how he rises from poverty to riches which gives hope to his readers that nothing is impossible. He is trying to kill the perception that poverty is permanent. According to Adam, the first step to getting out of poverty is determination and working towards a specific goal. Similarly, an individual is supposed to believe in himself and start small as he climbs the ladder. Readers realize that the secret to improving one's life is a humble begging and remaining focused.

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