Schmoedipus Irony

Schmoedipus Irony

Ironic title

"Schmoedipus," is an ironic title, which plays on the term "Oedipus." Essentially this title makes a joke of the term, based on the following joke: 'Oedipus, Schmoedipus, what does it matter as long as a boy loves his mother?"


Tom is Elizabeth's husband. They are both middle-aged, but he ironically acts like a child sometimes. This includes the fact he often plays with his train set.

Tom's obsession

Elizabeth is unhappy with Tom's obsession with his train set. She ironically tells him that he is "so hot and passionate at the breakfast table, Tom."

Glen's father

Ironically, Glen's father also abandoned him. However, Glen only seems to blame his mother, which suggests there is a gendered double standard about responsibility for children.

Children's tales

Glen ironically uses phrases from children's stories and songs in order to make Elizabeth feel uncomfortable and guilty. For example, he often uses the phrase "I spy with my little eye."

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