Sanditon Imagery

Sanditon Imagery

The initial meeting of the Heywoods and the Parkers

Mr. and Mrs. Parker crashing their carriage and getting injured is the first imagery that is heavily described in the book. It is important as this is essentially how they form a bond; the Parkers have to live together with the Heywoods so Mr. Parker can fully recover from his injury. Not intending to gain anything from helping those in need, the Heywoods unknowingly gave their daughter an adventure that would change her life.

Charlotte meeting Sidney Parker

In true Austin style, there is a dashingly handsome and young bachelor whom the main character is interested in. The introduction to Sidney Parker in the story, one of the sons of Mr. Parker, was probably an important part of the story Austin had planned to write. Charlotte, then beginning to seek out Sidney and get to know him better could essentially change her life forever.

Charlotte leaving with the Parkers

Charlotte Heywood, being a young girl, born and grown up at the same farm had a very mundane and normal life. She didn’t know of the life she was missing until she steps out of her comfort zone of her house and family and discovered how different people perceive and think of the life around. This is not only an important imagery, but an important turning point, both for the story and Charlotte’s life.

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