Sad Girl Poems and Other Writings

Sad Girl Poems and Other Writings Analysis

“Myself When I’m Real”

The speaker in “ Myself When I’m Real” accomplishes a SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) exploration of her “Self.” The scrutiny heightens the speaker’s self-esteem. The assertion, “Say’ I’m the seagull”( denotes the speaker’s Strength) “ before its bad reputation” ( refers to the speaker’s Weakness) aggregates the speaker’s idiosyncratic honour of herself. Further, when the speaker expresses, “Say I’m the pigeon/But not the pigeon-shit,” she portends that her high-self-esteem is towering notwithstanding her undesirable repute which is epitomized by ‘pigeon-shit.’ The imagery of “the cassette tape/Whose hair unwound/underwater” epitomizes the Threat that the speaker must cope with. It may be unfeasible to retrieve all the hair (which symbolizes her reputation)from the water. Nevertheless, the speaker realizes an Opportunity to love (which she equates to a ‘trash bag’).

Ars Poetica

Based on deconstruction, “the beak, the bones, the baby blue/Vodka veins” are the foremost constituents of a poem. ‘Rory’ is the heading of the poem. The peak embodies the verses; the bones signify the lines within the verses, and ‘the baby blue Vodka veins” stand for the distinct words that make up the lines. The progression of grinding Rory’s wings is comparable to the fine-tuning the content in the poem so that it can portray the poet’s envisioned idea. The imagery of the casket means that some content is left out of the poem’s ultimate draft.


In “Home”, the Morality versus Criminality binary is prime. The existence of the police near the parking lot indicates that sexual performances in the open are criminalized. Hence, the police are on the watch to pick up the criminals such as the speaker. However, the speaker’s confession, “I am broken like a wishbone”, surmises that the sexual lifestyle has moral repercussions to the degree that it overwhelms the speaker. The speaker is shattered for flouting morality. Accordingly, the speaker’s lifestyle occasions deleterious virtuous and legal repercussions.

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