Ross Gay: Poetry Glossary

Ross Gay: Poetry Glossary

purgation ("Again")

cleansing, eradication

glaucous ("Again")

a grayish blue or green color

swig ("Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude")

to gulp, to drink very quickly and greedily

viscous ("Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude")

gooey, slimy

upchuck ("Love, I'm Done With You")

to vomit, to throw up

undulation ("Marionette")

a wave-like movement

putrid ("Opera Singer")

rotten, decaying, stinking

sonorous ("Thank You")

resonant, loud

dormant ("Thank You")

inactive, passive, sleeping

rivulet ("A Poem in Which I Try to Express My Glee at the Music My Friend Has Given Me")

a stream, a small river

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