Rosewater Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Rosewater Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The domed structure

The domed structure put in place by the aliens symbolizes power and control. The aliens have a mission in the futuristic world because they want to collect vital information about human beings and later destroy them. The extraterrestrial fungus oozed by the dome structure has healing power, giving whoever interacts with it a psychic power. However, the fungus that interacts with people is used to collect information about human beings and conveys the same to aliens. Consequently, the aliens are ahead of human beings, and at last, they conquer the world by killing all humans interacting with the fungus. Therefore, the aliens use the dome structure to represent their control and authority.

Government as a symbol of manipulation

Kaaro has psychic powers that he received after interacting with the fungus from the dome structure. However, the government is aware of Kaaro's power to steal for survival. Nevertheless, the government realizes that Kaaro is an asset because they can use his abilities to uncover the truth from prisoners and counter the alien forces threatening the government. A government agency recruits Kaaro to help locate and assassinate Wormwood. Sardonically, the government holds nothing for Kaaro even after he demonstrates that he is helpful. Therefore, the government agency is just manipulating Kaaro for its selfish gain.


The author symbolically uses the village of Rosewater to represent future possibilities. The novel's setting is in the future, and the things happening are extraordinary from the ordinary world. The aliens' intelligence which surpasses the government security information, reflects future innovations and technologies that current governments should be prepared to deal with. Using domed structures and fungus that extract human information to aid aliens in destroying humanity symbolizes possible innovations.

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