Rooftops of Tehran


In a middle-class neighborhood of Iran's sprawling capital city, 17-year-old Pasha Shahed spends the summer of 1973 on his rooftop with his best friend Ahmed. Here he dreamed about his future and wrestled with a crushing secret: his love for his beautiful neighbor, Zari, who has been betrothed since birth to Pasha's friend and mentor, Doctor, a university student and political activist on the SAVAK hunt list. Despite Pasha's guilt, the long, hot summer days transform the couple's tentative relationship into a rich emotional bond. But the bliss of their perfect, stolen summer is abruptly shattered in a single night when Pasha unwittingly guides the Shah's secret police to Doctor's hiding place. The violent consequences awaken Pasha and his friends to the reality of what life is like under the rule of a powerful despot. This led Zari to make a choice from which Pasha may never recover.

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