Romancing Mister Bridgerton Summary

Romancing Mister Bridgerton Summary

The novel begins with Penelope reuniting with Colin after his extensive travels over the globe for the past few years. As they are celebrating his return at a ball, Lady Danbury announces that she will award a thousand pounds to the person who uncovers the identity of the infamous tabloid magazine writer, Lady Whistledown.

As they discuss the art of writing, Penelope discovers Colin has a passion for journaling his travels. The two bond over this passion and formulate a strong friendship. Simultaneously, Colin is worried that his younger sister Eloise is Lady Whistledown. As they discuss this, he realizes that he has some feelings for Penelope and kisses her.

At another ball, he plans to apologize to Penelope for the kiss but is shocked to hear the announcement from Cressida that she is Lady Whistledown. The next day he goes to personally apologize to Penelope but sees her mysteriously get into a car. As he follows her to her destination, he realizes that it is she who is Lady Whistledown.

They argue about this, and things get heated, until they are in a passionate embrace once again. Colin realizes that he is in love with her and proposes marriage, which Penelope accepts. However, Cressida realizes that Penelope is Lady Whistledown and blackmails her. Refusing to give up her work, Penelope reveals to everyone that she is Lady Whistledown. Despite being shocked, everyone recovers from this news and accept her apology. Penelope and Colin marry and end up living happily ever after.

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