Director's Influence on Rocky (1976 Film)

Director's Influence on Rocky (1976 Film)

John Avildsen created one of the most, if not the most iconic sports films in the history of cinema with Rocky, written by and starring Sylvester Stallone. Avildsen used the newly introduced steadicam, which inventor Garrett Brown ran during filming. This new technology allowed Avildsen to get smooth shots of Rocky as he runs during his training in the film while connecting the viewer even more intimately with the lead character.

Avildsen creates both intimacy and grandeur in the film. The intimacy being with Rocky and Adrian as well as Rocky with Mickey and Paulie. We see the reality of life between Rocky and those in his life in a way that puts us directly in his shoes as people identify with the "working man" trying to make good on a dream. And contrast this with the hard hours alone on the streets running, or training by hitting a cow hide in a meat locker, what we get that this man will do anything in order to reach his goal. No matter how unconventional. Thus, when Rocky triumphs over Apollo Creed, Avildsen has set the audience up with a great deal of hope for the lead character as they are now in his corner in a way that feels like Rocky represents all of the men and woman who want more for their lives. This is the lasting impression the film gives to the viewer and Avildsen creates it on-screen in a way that's lasted for decades. This film goes down in the ranks of the hall of fame for sports fans across the world.

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